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JOURNEY THRU JOHN - Answers to Self Teach Page 4 1v6   John  1v17  Moses  1v17 Jesus Christ  1v19 Priests  1v19 Levites  1v21 Elijah  1v23 Isaiah  1v24 Pharisees  1v40 Andrew  1v40 Simon Peter  1v43 Philip  1v45 Nathaniel  1v45 Joseph  2v5   Jesus’ mother  3v1   Nicodemus 12v20  Some Greeks  13v27   Satan  14v22    Judas  18v10    Malcus  18v13    Annas  18v29     Pilate  18v40     Barabbas  19v12     Caesar  19v25     Mary wife of Cleopas  19v25     Mary Magdelene  19v38    Joseph of Arimathea Self Teach 4